Filtered or non-filtered EVOO?

Wich is the best way to drink a natural juice, filtered or non-filtered? It depends on the palate. EVOO is neither worse nor better whether it is filtered or not. There are some important aspects that we want to tell you so that you have more information about it. The flavor of the NON-filtered oil … Read more

What are monovarietal olive oils?

Monovarietal olive oils are oils produced only with a certain variety of olives. Why was it not common to find monovarietal olive oils before? Let’s put ourselves in situation. In Spain, most of the olive oil produced is produced by cooperatives1. In the past, farmers brought their olives to the cooperative where they were mixed … Read more

Most common olive varieties

Even though there’s more than 250 olive varieties in our country, four of them are the most predominant when it comes to national and global scale: picual, cornicabra, arbequina and hojiblanca. Let’s make a review of these four. Picual Also known as marteña or nevadillo, it’s the most abundant variety in both Spain and the … Read more

How is the olive turned into oil?

In first place, the olives are taken to the oil prss where the branches, rocks and dirt are cleaned. After that, they are washed and clasiffied in groups, according to their quality and variety. In second place, the fruit is grinded, this process is called grinding. It should be grinded the same day it is … Read more

What is the cold extraction?

In this section we will explain why it is called “cold”. To know more details about the EVOO production, you may go here. It is called cold extraction because since the beggining to the end of the process the olive cannot surpass 25-27º. If it surpassed that temperature, the oil molecule would open and would … Read more

What’s the acidity of the olive oil?

The acidity of the olive oil is one of the most important indicators when it comes to evaluate olive quality and, at the same time, it’s one of those who create more confusion among consumers. And when we speak about acidity, we tend to think about one of the basic tastes detected by our taste … Read more

The olive bone as energy source

Nowadays, the olive bone as fuel is a reality already in many dwellings, specially in Andalusia. With the electricity or gas costs increasing year by yearm the olive bones is turning into a very relevant alternative. We say so not just for it affordable price but for its high calorific power. To give you an … Read more